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Each of us has an authentic, individual vibrational energy that identifies us throughout our lifetime. It manifests who we are, authentically, like our own personal note that compose part of the grand chorus of creation. Without this vibration, the music of life  would be entirely different, as would the vibration itself without the others around it. Our “voice” often becomes drowned out by the noise of our daily lives, leading us to forget who we really are, to become blocked in our journey by society’s emphasis on performance and economic success. However, we can always find it again if we know how to look for it, because it always exists within us. To become authentic means to discover and then make manifest our own unique potential. 





This fundamental part of our group’s name is based on the work of the physicist Federico Faggin, whose studies have convinced him that quantum physics is a fundamental compononent also of the  the quintessence of Nature, which he defines as consciousness and freedom of choice. For Faggin, these are fundamental pilasters of existence. After what could be described as a transformative experience in his own life, Faggin began to study consciousness as the fundamental cause of everything that we consider “intelligence”.  Faggin postulates in his “Postulato dell’Essere” that one is holistic, constantly transforming and also wants to know himself. The verb “to want” already implies liberty of choice. One who wants to know, by definition already possesses liberty or freedom of choice.

In reference to the body, Faggin explains that each of us is a holism, a part of the One, Whole. From this, it follows that our body, which is both quantistic and structural in nature, is “holographic”. In explaining his theory, Faggin frequently refers to ideas whose roots can be found in Leibniz and his explanation of Monads.

(ref:  “Altre intelligenze. L’irriducibile coscienza”. Dibattito tra F.Faggin e G.Zole, Youtube, 10 maggio 2024)

In other areas of study, this idea of “free choice” and “awareness” has been expressed as “sense of agency (Bandura). The idea that we are the agents, the movers of our choices has been considered the engine that moves our evolution.





Many different areas of research describe this point in time as an epoch of transformation.

In order to allow this transformation to occur, a fundamental paradigm shift is necessary. The sociologists who are studying and describing the ever-increasing number of people interested in transforming our society from chaos and division to collaboration and peaceful coexistence, refer to “creators of a new culture”. We are also creators of this new culture, based on awareness of self as part of the natural ecosystem, that can bring us toward a sustainable peaceful world.

In this historic moment, our Italian culture has revealed itself to be a very important proactive force towards the new culture. Historically, we have always been an original, creative and innovative resource for ourselves and others. We are happy and proud, as ALA, as Italians, and as citizens of the world, to bring our innovative energy as a resource for the holistic matrix that we know is necessary to create.


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